Strengthen to Avoid Surgery
Have you reached that moment in your health when your doctor has recommended the “s” word?
Yep, "surgery."
It’s a terrifying moment for many.
No one wants to be on the cutting board if they don’t have to be.
You may have slipping discs in your spine or neck and your doctor has recommended a fusion. You may need a joint replacement. You may have a painful shoulder and your doctor thinks surgery may relieve some of that pain.
The truth is, there is another non-surgical option that you can try.
For many of our clients, it has made the difference between being a candidate for surgery to not needing surgery at all.
That non-surgical option is Clinical Strength Training®. It’s important to note that not all strength training will make a difference. Ours is a clinical approach, designed to prevent injuries on your path to building strength.
The reason it has worked to help clients no longer need surgery is because a lot of ailments can occur due to a lack of strength.
Take slipping discs for example.
If you don’t have much muscle, how can the body keep everything in place?
Muscle is dense and part of its function is to make sure things stay where they need to be. It also helps with circulation. Sometimes certain body parts aren’t getting what they need and enhanced circulation ensures they get the “nutrients” they’ve been missing.
All of this can contribute to deterioration that will eventually lead to surgery being the only option. Especially if you wait too long to do anything about that nagging pain you've been experiencing.